Friday, December 7, 2007

Heaven And Hell, Part Two

Originally posted in Vox October 17.2007
OK now I have to explain more about heaven and Hell.

I think it is probably time to reveal my writing. I was waiting to make it in a book but that probably takes forever. Even though I am still not convinced if it is such a good idea and if I am totally ready. There are errors in style, grammar, maybe even spelling.

Anyways, I think my writing and revelation belong to the whole world, not a specific religion. Although I believe in Allah and Mohammad (PBUH), just like Mohammad believed in Allah and Jesus and Moses and Ibrahim, but If I ever want to teach someone, not going to be only Muslims. Any religion can benefit from it. Interesting quote from Rumi , the one who's photo decorate my blog, great man of all times. " We just picked up the brain from Koran and left the skin for others". So I will never go for literary translation from Koran, I use my own brain and what God revels to me and it is relevant to the time we live, twenty first century.

I mentioned a guy in his teenage years in deep love and compared it to heaven. Every body's experience is different, maybe you were in your 20s or even older, I am sure most human beings experienced it and have to be clean from all sexual desires. Maybe you loved something other than a man or a women, I can't imagine that but if you do, feel free to replace that love, something that you wanted very very badly, either that or you don't want anything from this world, than compare that to what I said you are going to experience in heaven. Just like Koran or Bible or Torah, take my words as examples not absolute.

Now about cell phone, you would say oh there are cell phones in Hell. Again that is an example for a communication. People from 200 BC will try to blow in a horn from an animal to try to make themselves heard, no sound will come out, or people who lived during world war two will try to find a phone station that you crank and try to get connected, or payphones in 60s to late 80s etc etc. What I mean you try to communicate somehow but no success. No one hear you and those rare occasion that someone will, they will not listen to you. Again it is loneliness of a lost soul with endless journey that's what hell is.

And being with loved ones, loved ones who God chose them to be with you, not the sinners. And you will have all good feeling for each other, your hearts as clear as mirror to each other. You enjoy each others company and every word you exchange and closeness and feeling each others presence and breath ( Again no sexual desires). Those are the moments that each second of it looks like centuries of happiness and will never end. And that my friend, that's heaven.

Now go get it and save yourself and our loved ones from Hell.

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